The Chinese are simply tearing us apart - Association of Women Miners of Nigeria

President of Women in Mining of Nigeria (WIMN) Janet Adeyemi, speaking at the 5th Annual Mountain Week of Nigeria, announced the growth of Chinese capital expansion and demanded better coordination in the industry amid what she described as "strong headwind ".

Ms Adeyemi, a mining veteran, geologist and industry pioneer, also spoke of networking, mentoring and capacity building as tools that women need to use to build what she called “inclusiveness,” adding, that plans are underway to recruit experts to help train and develop the capacity of members.

She has severely criticized women miners, claiming that some of them acquire licenses, which are then resell to Chinese businessmen.

“The Chinese are simply tearing us apart. We must refrain from transferring licenses to them. If the problem is funding, we can cooperate with each other, ”she said, explaining that the new headquarters will serve as a resource center“ where everyone can come to fill knowledge gaps. ”

Women in Mining in Nigeria (WIMIN) is a not-for-profit organization formed to advocate for the rights of all groups of women affected by mining. WIMIN is a member of the Nigeria Miners' Association and supports massive personal and professional development initiatives while providing a national voice in the global mining community.

The organization is charged with the responsibility of advocating and promoting women's participation in the mining industry in Nigeria, promoting and promoting a friendly and sustainable environment by promoting good host community participation models that include women, building a strong network among members and women in the mining industry in Nigeria to encourage networking, mentoring, job opportunities, funding and leadership.