Yuzhny port carried out a special reconstruction for unloading wind turbine towers

In order for large-sized elements for wind turbines to be able to reach their destination without hindrance, construction work was carried out on the territory of the Yuzhny State Commercial Sea Port to raise overpasses on the road from the VRR-2 berths to the South entrance.

In a short time, the port staff reconstructed all four flyovers. And for one of them, a new metal structure, the so-called "truss", was made on higher support points.

The complexity of these works was due to the fact that a large number of pipes and networks run along this overpass, which in no case could not be dismantled. But after the design department of the State Enterprise "MTP" Yuzhny "developed a technical solution, the builders managed to raise the lower tier of the structure.

Despite the difficult weather conditions, the reconstruction work was carried out in two shifts and on weekends. After lifting and expanding the flyovers, the first batches of large-sized wind turbine towers have already successfully left our enterprise and reached their destination.

Earlier it was reported that in January 2022 SE "MTP" Yuzhny "handled more than 1.3 million tons of cargo. One million tons are Ukrainian exports, mainly represented by iron ore, and 300 thousand tons are imports. 94% of imports are thermal coal for Ukrainian thermal power plants, and the rest is various equipment, including almost 7 thousand tons for wind power plants actively built in the region.