Metallurgical waste will be used in the construction of roads - Alexey Goncharuk

the Government adopted the decision "On application of waste products in road construction". This was announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Alexey Goncharuk.

"first, it will greatly save building costs. There will be more roads. The quality will not suffer. It fundamentally. Secondly, we significantly reduce the level of environmental pollution", - said the head of government.

He added that given the success of the European experience, the government has laid down rules and requirements to technological processes.

the Prime Minister said: "In the tenders for services in construction of roads be sure to provide a non-price criterion "Measures to protect the environment."

He added that the proportion of the waste will be a minimum of 10%.

"soon waste will be used in the construction of roads in Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolayiv and Kirovohrad regions," - said the head of government.

In the Department of communications Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine said that the works will only attract waste to meet regulations on environmental labelling and Declaration.

Informed infrastructure Minister Vladislav Crickley, commenting on the government adopted decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On application of waste products in road construction" savilachievements database of normative-technical documents based on both domestic and European experience in this matter.

"These rules reglamentary requirements to technological processes and the components of road concrete, the main of which is the use of only high-quality Portland cement and slag," said Crickley.