German car industry could lose 100,000 jobs because of the pandemic coronavirus

Based on the experience of financial crises, it can be assumed that the recovery of the automobile industry of Germany after the outbreak of the coronavirus is more than 10 years, it lost more than 100,000 jobs. To such conclusion experts of the industry of Dudenhefer Ferdinand (Ferdinand Dudenhöffer), said on Sunday, March 29, the Agency dpa.

Professor predicts in Germany, the decline in demand for cars in 2020 by 15 percent. Thus, German producers at the current capacity will make from 1.3 to 1.7 million vehicles, which do not find buyers. According to Dudenhoeffer manual underemployment will only temporarily solve the problem. No company will be able to capture unused production capacities.

the Expert believes that 100,000 jobs of about 830 000 in the German automotive industry today "are under attack" and that "according to optimistic calculations." In 2019 in Germany produced 4.7 million vehicles - about 400,000 less than the year before. According to Dudenhoeffer, in 2020 the German auto industry will produce between 3.4 and 3.8 million vehicles.

Previously coalsalesthat because of the transition to electric vehicles Germany lost about 400,000 jobs. Car production will be further automated and will not be sufficient to maintain the current level of jobs.

In 2018, the employment in the automotive industry in Germany has reached 834 000, the highest figure since 1991.