The efficiency of industrial parks in Ukraine is less than 7% and almost all of them are "zombie parks"

Draft Law No. 4416 on amendments to the Law "On Industrial Parks" was registered in the Parliament of Ukraine in order to stimulate the development of industrial sectors of the economy.

The existing mechanism for attracting participants in industrial parks, laid down in the Law "On Industrial Parks", proved to be unviable, the MPs-authors of the project believe, because the introduction of additional intermediaries between the initiators of the creation of parks and the participants in practice did not ensure proper organization.

“The efficiency of the parks functioning is less than 7%”, - it is noted in the explanatory note to the bill.

The bill proposes to provide a direct link between the initiators of the creation of industrial parks and potential participants, in particular, to give the latter the right to make proposals and developments on the concept of industrial parks.

If the initiator has a clear vision of the park concept, but does not have the necessary funds for design calculations, it is possible to allocate such funds for development until the park is included in the register.

The bill introduces a new structured mechanism of state support for industrial parks, according to which funds from the local and state budget of Ukraine can be used in clearly defined areas:

  • development of the park concept;
  • development of design, land management documentation, etc .;
  • creation of infrastructure of engineering networks and communications on the territory of the industrial park for further connection of participants, etc.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of state support in the form of cheaper loans. It is carried out in the mode of credit subsidy and consists in subsidizing part of the fee (interest) for the use of loans.

“These steps should stimulate the development of the production component of the economy in order to increase the production of goods with high added value and increase their share in the export potential of Ukraine. This approach is intended to develop the adjacent components of the economy - mechanical engineering, design, logistics and the like, ”- write the authors of the bill.

As of today, 43 industrial parks are registered in Ukraine, most of which have no members, and some of them even have no management companies, according to the explanatory note to the bill.