Half of the new DMZ employees came to the plant under the action "Bring a friend - get a bonus"

Dnipro Metallurgical Plant decided to continue the project of hiring new employees called "Bring a friend - get an award" in connection with its successful implementation. Recall that the DMZ of the DCH group of Alexander Yaroslavsky has been offering a bonus of up to 3500 hryvnia for the last two months for a new employee, whoever brings him to work.

“The project“ Bring a friend - get a prize ”continues to operate at the DMZ. More than 50% of new employees have recently found a job at the enterprise precisely for this promotion, "the plant said.

The list of vacancies is known to all employees of the plant. Now among the most relevant professions are blast furnace furnaces, hot rolling mill operators, crane drivers and diesel locomotive drivers, electricians, milling operators, and a number of other specialists.

For the first time, the program "Bring a friend - get an award" at a metallurgical plant in Dnipro was launched in 2017.