Home / Press Releases / Implementation of investment projects of MMK will add 686 million dollars EBITDA in the year
Home / Press Releases / Implementation of investment projects of MMK will add 686 million dollars EBITDA in the year

Implementation of investment projects of MMK will add 686 million dollars EBITDA in the year

Press Releases
The international investors, financial analysts and journalists by the Chairman of Board of Directors MMK Victor Rashnikov, the company's CEO Pavel Shilyaev, an independent member of the Board of Directors of Tav Morgan and Director of Economics Andrei Eremin.
"We have consistently and consecutively realize the strategy of development in the new investment cycle has already implemented a number of key projects aimed at expanding the presence of the MMK Group in the high-margin segments of the market, – said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC "MMK" Victor Rashnikov. – We continue to implement large-scale investment program aimed at upgrading and improving the efficiency of coke oven and blast furnace process. It is important to note that our new designs at the same time are aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the environment. This, in particular, promotes the use of best available technology."
Annual capital investments of MMK in the period from 2020 to 2023 is planned at the level of $ 900 million with a consequent reduction of the investment cycle in the years 2024-2025, said Rashnikov. During the period from 2015 to 2025 the costs of the company's key investment projects will amount to 2,879 billion.
the Successful development of production capacities and launching new innovative, import-substituting products allowed the company to take first place in Russia on manufacture of products with high added value. Due to the conservative financial policy of the company generates stable cash flow on a regular basis allocated to the payment of dividends to shareholders.
the strategy of MMK based on the principles of sustainable development (sustainable development), which implies the harmonious combination of stronger operational and financial performance with the performance of social obligations and concern for the environment. One of the key strategic priorities of the CMI is to improve the environmental situation in Magnitogorsk: in comparison with 2000 the company twice reduced the impact on the atmosphere, discharges of pollutants into water bodies has decreased in five times. The implementation of environmental initiatives will allow the company to 2025 to reduce emissions by 20%, and discharges additionally, on the 70%.
after the presentation of the company in the framework of investor Day in top-management of MMK took part in a briefing for journalists from leading international media.

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