Home / Press Releases / At the processing plant Gaisky GOK launched a new flotation machine
Home / Press Releases / At the processing plant Gaisky GOK launched a new flotation machine

At the processing plant Gaisky GOK launched a new flotation machine

Press Releases
At the processing plant Gaisky GOK launched a new flotation machine

Gai (Orenburg oblast)

PAT "Gaisky GOK" (enterprise resource complex UMMC), in the framework of the modernization of the processing plant, has launched a new flotation equipment – flotation machine the six-chamber brand SOMEX.

"the New equipment is installed in the main building of the factory in addition to the similar flotation machine, put into operation in January this year. With its installation, we have fundamentally changed the scheme of the copper-zinc flotation circuit, which will allow us to improve the quality of zinc concentrate supplied by Gaisky GOK partners, on Chelyabinsk zinc plant", – says head of the concentrator plant Dmitry Semenov.

Explain what flotation (FR. flottatio, from flotter to float) is a process of separation of fine solid particles (mainly minerals) in water suspension (pulp), based on the difference in their wettability by water. When froth flotation gas bubbles stick to poorly wetted by water particles, and raise them to the surface, forming the mineralized foam, and well wetted by water (hydrophilic) particles remain in the residual product.

New flotation machine with volume of 25 m3 less than half dismantled its predecessor. Such a change, according to experts, stems from the fact that in the processing chain of copper-zinc flotation is not required equipment with large cameras. Experts also note that due to the reduced chamber volume is achieved by reducing energy consumption. In addition, the new machine features simplicity and reliability in service.

Work on dismantling the old equipment and install of new was completed within six months. Foundations for the machine be installed by employees of the maintenance of the construction site of the plant, installation, machine, electric and cable networks were performed by employees of repair-mechanical plant and building were renewed enterprise. The pipeline installation was attended by the specialists of mechanical services and processing factories, and automation helped to debug the specialists of the Central laboratory of automation and computer engineering of Gaisky GOK. To enter a new machine in the technological process were installed dozens of meters of the discharge piping, installed nasosy.

Otmetim that all repair and Assembly works being conducted at the Concentrator plant, pass without stopping the current production, reducing the quality and quantity of products – copper and zinc concentrates.

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