Home / Press Releases / Gaysky GOK has started commissioning of the paste thickening complex
Home / Press Releases / Gaysky GOK has started commissioning of the paste thickening complex

Gaysky GOK has started commissioning of the paste thickening complex

Press Releases
Gaysky GOK has started commissioning of the paste thickening complex

Gai (Orenburg region)

PJSC "Gaysky GOK" (an enterprise of the raw materials complex of UMMC) has started commissioning of a paste thickening complex for tailings of the Concentrating Plant

of the complex, a certified thickener product will be used for stowing technological work of an underground mine and reclamation of open pits No. 1-No. 3, and water - the upper discharge of thickeners - will be drawn into the recycling water supply system of the concentration plant. The maximum capacity of the tailings processing complex will be up to 1150 tons /hour.

Let us clarify that tailings (waste of the processing plant) is a slurry consisting of water and solid particles of rock that remains after the processing of ore. At present, these enrichment wastes are stored in the bowl of the spent quarry No. 2 within the framework of its reclamation project. In the quarry, water is settled and reused in the technological processes of the factory, and the solid fraction remains, gradually filling the bowl of the quarry.

- The volume of tailings is growing every year, and the construction of a paste thickening complex is vital to optimize their storage. With the use of modern waste processing technology - their thickening, we will receive a pasty mass, which in composition is similar to water-saturated clays or loams, which tend to clog (clog) hydraulic channels in soils. These properties of the product will make it possible to make its storage in the waste bowls of open pits more compact. In addition, this product can be used in filling technological works at an underground mine, "says Dmitry Semenov, head of the Gaysky GOK Concentrating Plant.

The paste thickening complex includes: a thickening section, a flocculant preparation and supply section, a tank top discharge, top discharge pumping station, transfer pumping station and nodes for switching from one thickener to another. In order to provide the paste thickening complex with electricity, a new step-down substation with a voltage of 35/6 kilovolts "Yug-2/2" was built (next to the existing substation "Yug-2").

Scheme of the complex operation: enrichment tailings with the factories are fed through two slurry pipelines into two special thickening vats, each with a height of almost 28 meters and a diameter of about 20 meters. In thickeners, waste is mixed with a flocculant (chemical). Its preparation and serving are carried out at the automatic preparation station. Due to the formation of floccules, solids are deposited in the lower part of the thickener. That is, the mass is divided into liquid and solid phases. Moreover, the pasty pulp will contain at least 63% of the solid mass in the thickened product, which will be transported through slurry pipelines to the bowls of open pits No. 1-3. Part of the thickened product will be delivered to the filling complex of the underground mine to prepare the filling mixture used for filling underground workings (chambers). The water obtained in the thickening process will be drawn into the recycling water supply system of the concentration plant.

Reference. In addition to the Gaysky GOK, such enterprises of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company as Orenburg Radiator LLC operate in the Orenburg Region »(Orenburg), specializing in the development, implementation and serial production of radiator products; LLC "Mednogorsk copper-sulfuric plant" (Mednogorsk), specializing in the production of blister copper.

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