Home / Press Releases / "KRU" has acquired the seventh WK-35
Home / Press Releases / "KRU" has acquired the seventh WK-35

"KRU" has acquired the seventh WK-35

Press Releases
"KRU" has acquired the seventh WK-35

On the bachatskiy cut of JSC "UK "Kuzbassrazrezugol" (enterprise resource complex of the Ural mining and metallurgical company) has begun work the new excavator WK-35. Quarry machine produced by the Taiyuan heavy machinery plant belonging to a Chinese state-owned AVIC.

"In the Park of the main mining equipment, the Company is already the seventh WK-35. One excavator this series works on krasnobrodsky coal mine, two at Taldinskaya and three in bachatskiy, - says head of Electromechanical Department, JSC "UK "Kuzbassrazrezugol" Igor Kirilov. – Technique is well proven in operation and meets the requirements of the existing integrated management system".

WK-35 is capable of producing the excavation of more than a million cubic meters of rock per month. The excavator is equipped with efficient AC drive, and the bucket capacity 35 cubic meters allows the machine to work effectively with trucks with capacity from 220 to 360 tons. On the technical task of the specialists of the criminal code "KRU" as all arriving at the Company's excavators, WK-35 is equipped with the system signal lighting, hazardous area Red Kill Zoe, which increases the safety of mining operations in the dark.

the criminal code "KRU" in 2011 became the first Russian company, which began operation excavator WK-35. The first series machine was commissioned in bachatskiy coal mine. And in November 2018 for the First Russian-Chinese energy business forum in Beijing, Director of JSC "MC "KRU" Sergey Paramonov and President of the "garden, Beijing CATIC Idustry Limited" Xu Tao signed a Memorandum on mutual cooperation in implementing projects on the territory of Kemerovo region. The document refers to the intention of the coal Company for five years to acquire the Chinese manufacturer of mining and recycling equipment totaling $ 70 million.

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