Home / Press Releases / MMK invested more than 58 billion rubles in the environment in 2000-2018
Home / Press Releases / MMK invested more than 58 billion rubles in the environment in 2000-2018

MMK invested more than 58 billion rubles in the environment in 2000-2018

Press Releases
The document was prepared with the aim of maximally informing all interested parties about the company's efforts in the field of environmental safety. The report reflects the main principles of MMK's Environmental Policy, the results of environmental protection activities for the period from 2000 to 2018, as well as key areas for the implementation of the strategic initiative Clean City.

When planning long-term and sustainable development, PJSC MMK gives priority to the importance of ensuring environmental safety and improving the environmental management system. The company's production activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection and the international standard ISO 14001: 2015.

Among the main areas of environmental investments of Magnitogorsk are the implementation of measures to protect the atmospheric air and activities aimed at reducing the negative impact on water bodies. Much attention is also paid to comprehensive work on the use of industrial waste in its own production and reclamation of disturbed lands. The result of the work carried out was a decrease from 2000 to 2018 in gross emissions into the atmosphere by 1.6 times (specific - by 2.1 times), gross discharges of pollutants into water bodies - by 2.9 times. Today, 100% of industrial wastewater is used in recycling water supply.

MMK's environmental programs are included in the country's environmental strategy. In accordance with the decree of the President of Russia "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", comprehensive plans of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air should be implemented in twelve large industrial centers, including Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk. The key elements of the comprehensive plan adopted for Magnitogorsk were the projects of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant, developed as part of the implementation of MMK's strategic initiative "Clean City".

This environmental program is part of the Company's Development Strategy until 2025 and aims to reduce the integrated air pollution index of Magnitogorsk to 5 units within six years (corresponds to the concept of "Clean City"), as well as achieve technological impact standards on the environment, corresponding to the best available technologies, recommended for implementation in Russia. The strategic initiative provides for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing environmental protection facilities, a radical reconstruction of the first redistribution with the decommissioning of obsolete equipment.

The implementation of the measures of the "Clean City" strategic initiative will allow to reduce gross emissions into the air by 18.4 thousand tons by 2025, and reduce emissions of the most dangerous pollutants of the 1st and 2nd class by 10 times. At the same time, it is planned to reduce discharges of pollutants by 37.5 thousand tons. Waste in the amount of at least 2.3 million tons will be processed annually in production. Annual reclamation of 20 thousand square meters is planned. m of areas of worked out pits. As part of the city's landscaping program, 11,000 trees and shrubs will be planted in Magnitogorsk. MMK's total investments in the implementation of environmental projects for the period from 2018 to 2025 will exceed 38 billion rubles.

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