Home / Press Releases / On the transition of OOO "MMK-Lysva metallurgical plant" to work in the mode of cyclic loading
Home / Press Releases / On the transition of OOO "MMK-Lysva metallurgical plant" to work in the mode of cyclic loading

On the transition of OOO "MMK-Lysva metallurgical plant" to work in the mode of cyclic loading

Press Releases
In the absence of the current guaranteed demand for the main products of the enterprise, the Company management took the decision to move the CMI-LMZ to work in a cyclic load.
Continuing the production and shipment of the orders coming from key customers, in the period of possible production pause, the Company plans to do unscheduled maintenance.
In accordance with Outlook of MMK-LMP calculated based on a conservative stress test, by the end of 2020 the company will show positive EBITDA and positive cash flow.
MMK-LMZ (part of PJSC "MMK") is one of the oldest enterprise of the Urals. MMK-LMZ – Russia's only producer of electrolytically galvanized steel and rolled products with polymer coatings based on it. For the production of steel products at MMK-LMZ apply cold-rolled steel and materials of the highest level of quality from the leading manufacturers. In the laboratory of the enterprise is carried out multistage control and subsequent certification of the finished metal.

Information about MMK
PAO "MMK" is one of the world's largest steel producers and holds a leading position among the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy of Russia. The company's assets in Russia include a large metallurgical complex with full production cycle from preparation of iron ore raw materials and finishing deep processing of ferrous metals. MMK produces a broad range of steel products with a predominant share of products with high added value. In 2019, the Company produced 12.5 million tons of steel and 11.3 million tonnes of commercial steel products.
MMK is one of the industry leaders in production costs and profitability. The MMK Group's revenue for the year 2019 was 7 566 million dollars, EBITDA – 1 797 million dollars. MMK's debt burden is the lowest in the industry. The ratio of Net Debt/EBITDA by the end of 2019 is -0,13 H. Investment rating of the company is confirmed by leading world rating agencies: Fitch, Moody's, S&P.
Common stock of CMI is listed on the Moscow Stock exchange and the Depositary receipts of the Company are traded on the London Stock Exchange. The proportion of shares in free float is 15.7%.

Service investor relations
Kryachko Veronica
tel: +7 (3519) 25-75-01
E-mail: kryachko.vs@mmk.ru

Dmitry Kuchumov
tel: +7 (499) 238-26-13
E-mail: kuchumov.do@mmk.ru
Oleg Yegorov
tel: +7 (499) 238-26-13
E-mail: egorov.oa@mmk.ru

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