Home / Press Releases / The MMK group will direct the implementation of the Environmental programme 2020, more than 13 billion rubles
Home / Press Releases / The MMK group will direct the implementation of the Environmental programme 2020, more than 13 billion rubles

The MMK group will direct the implementation of the Environmental programme 2020, more than 13 billion rubles

Press Releases
General Director of JSC "MMK" Paul Shilyaev outlined the key objectives of the company in the field of environmental protection for 2020:
• to reduce the level of pollution of atmospheric air of the city of Magnitogorsk is 6%
• reduce gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by 3%
• to reduce by 17% specific emissions of dust per tonne of steel production line of a sintering plant–coke and chemical production–blast furnace plant– steelmaking and oxygen Converter plants,
• recycle 10,285 million tons of current and metallurgical slag dump and use 1.8 million tons of waste as secondary material resources in the batch sintering,
• perform technical stage of recultivation of disturbed lands of the third phase of the Western career of Magnitnaya mountain on the area of 9 hectares and the biological reclamation phase of the Western career on the area of 5,6 hectares.
To achieve the set objectives, the team of PJSC "MMK" took an Environmental programme for 2020. The most significant part of environmental investments – more than 6 billion rubles will be spent on the construction of environmental protection facilities for the new production facilities, primarily in coke production. We are talking about environmental objects on the construction of coke battery No. 12, and the objects erected within the limits of reconstruction of catching and processing chemical products (COPP).
the Environmental program of JSC "MMK" for 2020 covers the 48 measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. This direction is traditionally one of the priorities in the environmental activities of the plant. This year, measures to protect atmospheric air will affect all metallurgical repartitions and control division chief power and control of logistics. Key activities in this area is the construction of system of aspiration of the casting yard of a blast furnace №2, the beginning of reconstruction of gas cleaning and flue paths in arc-furnace shop and oxygen-Converter plant, the implementation of a program to reduce dust and gas emissions of the coke plant, implementation of measures for dust suppression of fugitive emission sources. Overall, the activities to reduce the harmful emissions in 2020 it is planned to spend more than 3.7 billion rubles. Implementation of these measures will improve the air quality of the city of Magnitogorsk, to achieve targets to reduce emissions, increase efficiency and reliability of the equipment of the gas cleaning units.
Over 2.4 billion rubles in 2020, the plant will direct the implementation of 20 measures to reduce the discharge of pollutants into water bodies, the largest of which is revamping of mechanical and biological wastewater treatment in CWPP.
the Environmental program of JSC "MMK" also provides for the implementation in 2020 of nine events at the waste disposal cost more than 300 million rubles and five measures for reclamation of disturbed lands (about 500 million roubles). 19 environmental activities in the amount of 340 million rubles planned in the MMK Group. All Environmental program group of PJSC "MMK" involves the performance of 105 measures, implementation of which is planned to spend RUB 13.3 billion.
Permanent reduction and prevention of harmful effects on the environment is a compulsory element of the strategy long-term and sustainable development of the CMI. The environmental management system of PJSC "MMK" is certified on conformity to requirements of international standard ISO 14001:2015. The plant is implementing the strategic initiative "Clean city", which implies that the complex index of air pollution in Magnitogorsk will decline by 2025 to 5 units, which corresponds to the state of "clean city". It is planned to reduce total emissions in Magnitogorsk by 20% and emissions of the most harmful substances 1 and 2 hazard class – 10 times.
As noted by General Director of JSC "MMK" Paul Shilyaev, environmental initiatives of the plant is already having a positive impact on air quality in Magnitogorsk. In 2019, at the end of 2018, the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of Magnitogorsk excluded from the list of cities with the highest levels of air pollution.
Department of information and public relations of OJSC "MMK"

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