Home / Press Releases / Severstal has supplied steel for the construction of prefabricated hospital in New Moscow
Home / Press Releases / Severstal has supplied steel for the construction of prefabricated hospital in New Moscow

Severstal has supplied steel for the construction of prefabricated hospital in New Moscow

Press Releases

JSC "Severstal Distribution" (enters in PAO Severstal) set
metal and hardware for production systems for laying engineering
communications at the infectious diseases hospital, which was built during the month at the Trinity
administrative district of Moscow. System sheet trays and accessories "S5
Combitech" and wire mesh trays "F5 Combitech" was made by the customer of JSC "Severstal
Distribution" company, JSC "BCS".

"Through partners "Severstal Distribution" supplies metal products
for the construction of vital facilities to combat
coronavirus. So, in the address of the company "DKS" – one of the largest
manufacturers of cable support systems in Russia and Europe we carried out
complex deliveries of galvanized and cold-rolled strips produced in our
Cherepovets SMC, as well as wire. Our task was to
deliver to the company "DKS" just in time. Therefore, in the period
of a pandemic, our production is operating normally, with observance of all measures
precautions to protect against the virus," – said the head of distribution
network "Severstal Russian steel" Timur Yudichev.

the Construction of permanent prefabricated medical complex in
the settlement Voronovo, located Troitsky administrative district of Moscow,
began March 12, 2020. For the construction of Autonomous hospital infectious
profile for 500 people, aimed at preventing the spread of
coronavirus, took a month. The period of operation of the new hospital will be
about 20-30 years.

"Severstal" has a wide range of products which are applicable to
high speed of construction and the construction of health facilities,
particularly in demand during a pandemic. The service life of such structures is largely
depends on the wall material, which comes in contact with internal and external
environment, including aggressive, for example, disinfectant solutions.
the Sandwich panels of steel with a durable polymer coating enables complex
to close these questions. Among the steels with the coatings offered "Severstal"
proven branded products: SeverFarm, PVDF
(available), Steel silk lite; and steel, laminated
special film, for the food, pharmaceutical industries and
other clean rooms," – says the Director of the
construction industry Severstal Evgeny Chernyakov.

Several solutions to Severstal meet the needs of manufacturers of steel
thin-walled structures (lsts*) – technologies that are widely common in
the construction of frames for buildings and addresses the issues of improving speed of construction.
In particular, at the Cherepovets metallurgical plant (a part of the division
"Severstal Russian steel") for profiles LSTK mastered the production of
galvanized metal thickness more than 2 mm to ensure reliable
protection against corrosion and high strength galvanized steel grades S350GD,
S390GD, S420GD and S450GD. The metal provides high loading capacity
and reliability of designs. In addition, its use allows to reduce
the metal building, the cost of transportation and installation.

* the Use of technology lsts construction requires a solid
Foundation, welding (due to the use of mounting bolts)
the use of powerful lifting equipment. The erection can
lead, regardless of the season.


Galvanized metal under the brand SeverFarm special polymer
coating resistant biologically and chemically.
aggressive media, including to disinfectant solutions, alcohols,
the effects of water vapor. In addition to high corrosion resistance, the coating has a
maximum UV resistance, and enhanced resistance
to mechanical damage.

Steel PVDF due to the use of polivinildenftorid resin in the formula
coating preserves the colors design for many years, even
in regions with high solar activity. Long term gloss retention
the index is not only decorative, but also the integrity of the coating at the level of
chemical bonds. This product has samoochischayuschiesya surface (for
comparison with other types of polymer coatings).

Steel silk lite – quality basic wall material with wide
color palette and durability guarantee of 30 years is recommended for buildings
for any purpose, operated in a normal environment. Production for
a separate workplan provides greater density and smoothness of the coating.
compared with conventional polyester, which in turn makes the coating less
susceptible to dirt and more resistant to abrasion.
the Increased thickness of the protective enamel side facing to the insulation, allows
to exclude the application of a primer which makes the product more

Steel, laminated with a special film that is compatible with food
and medical drugs, ensure the safety, hygienic and easy
clean controlled environment rooms. Recommended for businesses
the food industry, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries,
Assembly plants that require high purity air.

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