The program allows using a mobile application to quickly and easily make a request for vaccination - give consent, sign up for a comprehensive analysis of readiness for the procedure, prior to the introduction of vaccine components, and form an application. The employee chooses a convenient place, date and time for the analysis and sends an electronic application from his mobile device. The tests are received at 17 health centers located on the territory of the MMK. Based on the results of a comprehensive analysis, the employee receives an SMS notification with an invitation for vaccination and a number in the electronic queue. The employee also chooses the place, date and time for the introduction of the first component of the vaccine using a mobile application and a special program "Vaccination".
Thus, using this unparalleled program, the employee can plan in advance the place and time of the necessary procedures and get vaccinated without calls and "live" queues. The program also makes it possible to improve the efficiency of planning the work of health centers and polyclinics involved in carrying out procedures for the comprehensive analysis and vaccination of MMK Group employees.
The Vaccination program for the My MMK mobile application is a joint product of MMK-Informservice LLC, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration of MMK PJSC and ANO Central Medical and Sanitary Unit.
Information and Public Relations Department of PJSC MMK
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