Home / Press Releases / Metalloinvest to hold a discussion on the development of modern metallurgy
Home / Press Releases / Metalloinvest to hold a discussion on the development of modern metallurgy

Metalloinvest to hold a discussion on the development of modern metallurgy

Press Releases

Metalloinvest will hold a presentation of the Unified Report for 2020 and a discussion on the sustainable development of modern metallurgy on August 30 at 16.00. The event will discuss the main industry trends, the strategy of decarbonization of metallurgy, including the prospect of using hydrogen technologies, attracting green financing and much more.

The event will be attended by CEO of Metalloinvest Nazim Efendiev and top managers of the Company, representatives of government authorities, the financial community, public organizations, universities, experts in the field of sustainable development, partners, clients and suppliers of Metalloinvest,

Discussion panels:

  • Environment - decarbonization strategy;
  • Social aspects - health, safety, quality of life;
  • Sustainable development strategy - attracting green financing.

A live broadcast in Russian and English will be available on this page on the day of the event.

For reference:

Metalloinvest is confident that the real way to reduce CO2 emissions in ferrous metallurgy is to switch from blast furnace iron smelting process using DRI /HBI.

HBI is a raw material for steel smelting in electric furnaces. This is a product for “green” metallurgy - companies that do not have a “black bush”, sintering and blast-furnace production cycle, which accounts for the largest volume of emissions.

Completion of projects on planned modernization of production will allow the Company to reduce its own direct emissions and indirect energy emissions by 6%.

Achievement of a 77% reduction in own emissions by 2035 will allow: transition to low-carbon production of DRI, optimization of coke, sinter and pig iron production processes, introduction of clean ("blue" "Yellow" and "green") hydrogen.

The company plans to become carbon-neutral by 2050 as a result of the completion of the transition to pure hydrogen in the technological process, increasing the energy efficiency of other processes, including the use of hydrogen in a stationary and mobile combustion.

Metalloinvest is already the leader in average emissions per tonne of steel, and has the best prospects for achieving it among all Russian metallurgical companies in the industry.

In order to remain in the industry leaders, the Company carries out a great deal of work on the implementation of joint programs with specialized educational institutions, implements a personnel reserve training program, a corporate university, encourages initiatives and striving for development.

At the same time, Metalloinvest is confident that the future of business depends not only on the social package, but also on people's health, a healthy environment, a developed economy and social sphere in cities. In addition to taxes and budget contributions, last year the Company allocated more than 7 billion rubles for healthcare, urban infrastructure, education, sports and culture, and support for people in difficult life situations.

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