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Awning structures and metal structures

Construction technologies

Production of tent structures and metal structures for hangars.

Awning structures and metal structures
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Tent structures and metal structures

Tent frame structures are used in the construction of hangars, utility rooms, garages, trade pavilions, car washes, food warehouses.

Installation of tent structures and metal structures our company will provide:

  • strength and durability;
  • fire and seismic safety;
  • speed of assembly;
  • a wide choice of shapes, sizes, materials;
  • installation on various types of soil.

During construction, a collapsible structure is used on a bolted connection, which makes it possible to dismantle with subsequent assembly in another area without damage to the elements of the product. In the all-metal version, fasteners are allowed: rivets, self-tapping screws, bolts. When installed for a long time, structural elements are welded.

PVC awning fabric is attached to the frame using:

  • belts, cables, cords;
  • staples;
  • eyelets.

The structure is insulated with the following materials:

  • polyurethane foam,
  • polyethylene foam,
  • mineral wool.

The reliability and durability of a building depends not only on materials, but also on professionalism during assembly. Our company performs high-quality installation of tent structures, adheres to the rules and regulations of construction. When fulfilling an order, the design features of the building are taken into account, the characteristics and composition of the soil are explored, the physical features of the area are taken into account.

When installing metal frames, different types of foundations are used:

  • stationary;
  • tape - are a strip of reinforced concrete along the perimeter of the structure to evenly distribute the load;
  • bored piles - supports mounted by installing reinforcing bars in wells, followed by pouring concrete, are used on unstable terrain;
  • asphalt or concrete sites are suitable for small buildings, frame it is attached to such bases with chemical, expansion anchors or metal pins;
  • the foundation of a neighboring building, channels, beams.
  • mobile;
  • screw piles - cast or welded high-strength steel elements for construction on loose soils;
  • p reinforced concrete, require surface preparation using heavy equipment.

Reliable structures of various shapes are produced:

  • Arched. Structural stability is achieved by a strict ratio of height to width, construction takes little time and money.
  • Straight wall. There are no restrictions on the aspect ratio, the total area is equal to the useful one, it requires the consumption of more metal, which affects the cost of the object.
  • Tent. The shape of smooth walls and a gable roof.
  • Polygonal. Inexpensive, stable, has a large number of connecting places due to the broken shape of the walls.

Quality materials for frames are used:

  • Sheet, profile steel.
  • Lightweight metal structures (LMK) - strong steel beams connected by steel profiles.
  • Lightweight galvanized steel structures (LSK) - thin-walled, often perforated brushed elements with anti-corrosion protection.
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