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Sampler - scope

Industrial equipment
Sampler - scope

In the process of transporting a wide variety of grains, crops can partially or significantly change their chemical composition. Before pouring the product into a common tank, specialists from the truck take a sample. Automatic samplers allow minimizing sampling time. Both in automobile and railway tanks, bodies, tankers.

Main technical advantages

 Automated equipment does not require the direct participation of a worker near a car, a railway car or a vessel for transporting grain crops. The device is remotely controlled by the operator, allowing grain samples to be taken in each mobile container to obtain basic characteristics. The main positive qualities are:

- there is no need for precise positioning of the transport;

- checking the sample over the entire depth of the body, wagon;

- the most accurate, remote control control;

- the probe carries out the test within only 3 minutes;

- the result is obtained at the touch of a button on the remote control.

The equipment significantly speeds up the process of checking almost all grain crops. Minimizes the presence of maintenance personnel on the job site. Shows the most reliable results that can be automatically saved in a special file.

Application in practice

The main area of ​​operation is grain storage and seed processing enterprises. For them, it is critical to determine the main parameters of the product. If it does not meet the minimum requirements, it will not be allowed to be stored in the main tank. The sampler consists of the following main elements:

1. The stand on which the active element is located.

2. Rail to move the sampler within the specified limits.

3. The active part is a probe immersed in cereals.

4. Automatic aspiration system.

5. Remote control with a remote control.

The hydraulic part of the sampler needs periodic maintenance. In most cases, it is enough to keep the equipment clean, periodically change the hydraulic oil, so that the sampler will last several years without a single repair. Sufficiently reliable, it can be operated at almost any time of the year, including with the advent of cold weather. The probe has high-quality protection against frost, direct sunlight and high humidity. The main thing is to protect the equipment from mechanical damage.

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