Conditions for choosing and purchasing a domain name

The website address is encrypted in its domain name. An abbreviation composed using Latin letters carries a certain meaning for both users and search engines. That is why, when creating your own or commercial Internet project, you should select a domain name especially carefully in compliance with established rules. This can be done using the DELTAHOST service ( html address of the official website).

Classification of domain names

Any user can register a domain name. It is provided on a lease basis with an annual payment. If there are no payments, it is withdrawn from the network and can be sold to another user. Domains (website addresses) are divided into levels:

  1. The first level - indicates the country or topic. May have international status.
  2. Second level - indicate sections of the site and its pages.

As with phone numbers, “beautiful” domain names are especially popular. They even allow you to obtain information in Latin abbreviations about the name of the company using it or the thematic focus of the Internet resource.

Domain names for blogs or one-page business card sites are selected in a similar way. And here brevity, clarity and style are of great importance for attracting the attention of the target audience.

How to order activation of a domain name

You can find a free domain name or check your personal version of the name for the absence of plagiarism with using the websiteDELTAHOST. It is enough to insert the existing name into the search bar and the system will automatically check the possibility of its use. The next step is registration. This means that the user's website with the selected domain name will be hosted on the hosting server. For this purpose, on a lease basis:

  1. Certain amounts of space on the server are allocated.
  2. A separate VPS is provided.

The DELTAHOST company provides this type services on a formal contract basis. The final cost is discussed with each client individually and depends on the following parameters - the level or type of the selected domain name, the selected server service tariff.

Consultation of users interested in cooperation is carried out by a specialist by phone. All registration actions and site activation on the Internet are performed remotely. The contract is concluded for a period of one year with annual renewal or cancellation of the lease.