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Advanced football betting at betting shop Parimatch


Football fans are well aware that in this sport there are often so-called “pass matches”.

Advanced football betting at betting shop Parimatch

Before watching a live broadcast of a significant football match, avid fans usually do some kind of preparation. It may look different for each of them:

  • Hike and get comfortable at the sports bar.
  • Buying a foamy drink home.
  • An invitation to the beginning of the meeting to visit friends, the same fans.

And another opportunity to increase interest is making a bet. Parimatch bookmakers offer their clients football betting in a variety of options holding. Including those that cannot be found in other similar online offices. The most interesting are several options at once.

Express rate

Football fans are well aware that in this sport there are often so-called "passing matches". When, as a result of a draw or an expanded composition of the championship participants, strong and weak opponents meet. The outcome of such fights is known in advance and the odds for them are set with a minimum value. But, if a fan:

  • Activates the Express option before placing bets on football.
  • Will select 3 or more such fights at once.
  • Will determine the winner in each and conclude a single bet with the bookmaker.

The coefficient that will be added to the value of the bet is multiplied. The system will multiply the value of all selected events with each other and will pleasantly surprise the fan with the result. The main condition is that all events participating in the Express must play. Wrong guessed at least one result and the bet is considered lost.

The presence of players being sent off in the match

You can make a bet with a bookmaker on an event that does not occur in every football match. We are talking about red cards, the referees show them to the players removed from the field. Such a verdict can be rendered:

  • For gross violation of the rules, for example, unsportsmanlike behavior (fight with an opponent).
  • For two minor infractions (2nd yellow cards) to a player in one game.

In order to determine this event, you will need to use the statistics of previous meetings and individual players, as well as the significance or status of the upcoming football match.

Domestic fans can conclude classic and listed types of bets on the page: "Online betting on football in Ukraine - Parimatch" - the official website of an international bookmaker. Only the clients of the office who have registered and have activated their personal account are allowed to the gambling event.

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