Containerial is transported to the Ukrainian one in Ukrainian one іz nudilsh of popular I superfluous capabilities of Vantazhi delivery. Tsey Method of forgetting the nonsense of goods, Minimizu Riziki Poshkojen I allowed to quickly skill Vitrati to Logisty. Zapyaki Roswyri Merezhi Portіv I regularly smoke flights Delivery of containers with the optimal wars of yak for the great, so for the small Business. Teater on the site sea way
Basic passes of container transportation
Container -by -handed a number of suttesvikh passes, yaki to shift unmarried for the minor Torgіvli:
✔ Ekonomichnost - Morsky transport є one іz who found the way of delivery of great party goods.
✔ The vile of transported - the can of transportation Yak Great Party goods (Contain Container - FCL), so I do not know the zbirny containers (LCL).
✔ Minimіzatsya Mitnichi Rizikiv - Professi Mitne Mitne, allowed to unique the sketch of I Dodatkovikh Vitrat.
✔ Broad vibir Portіv - Basic Chinesei -Korki, Take Yak Shanghai, Ninbo, Schinzhen, Tsindao, May, regularly, the container is spontaneous to Ukrainians.
Vartism of the Delivery of the container with China
For an hour, vіsycovikh, the delivery of the container of the container in Ukrainian, hesnah is in the route of the route of that logstic minds. Srednik Tarifs for delivery by the Morsky Shit to become:
✅ 20-foot container- 3050 USD
✅ 40-foot container- 4300 USD
SCHO included at the Wartness:
Ports Zbori;
decorated to the bill of lamps;
Morsti freight behind the route (Shanghai, Schinzhen, Ninbo - Chornomorsk);
Theo is the Valentinee of the container;
Delivery to the Mitnoy Terminal at Chornomorsk.
Dodatkovi Vitrati:
⚠ Theater of the Mitya Terminal; ⚠ robot of a Mity broker; ⚠ Payment of Mitniye payment; ⚠ Delivery of the container by Ukraine.
Zbirni containers: Vigidi Warrant for the Small Business
Yakshcho your buster does not require a all container, you can see a suborce of the list of zbirny containers (LCl). Ts allowed, it is produced by the vitrati tsesiti, the desiccates will pay for the deprivation of that part of the container, the yak borrow your product.
Perevgs of zbirny containers:
✔ optimization of Vitrat - payment of tilles for hareming; ✔ Menshi Riziki Poschojenny - lining is known in a robbed container; ✔ NECTIONTE NOT -ONITHICTICTION OF THE PrOMIL WROMENT - Speed Vitrati on Logistics; ✔ Regular vid rule - Shvidkі Termіni Delivery.
yak vіdbuvay, the container is transported to Kitay in Ukraine?
Container delivery process inclusk Etapiv:
piroting lining - transfer of goods, packing that design of the document
Vid rule to the port of China - the castwriter of the container is decorated with the horse -drawn.
Svorska transported - the context of the container to Ukraine.
Rosovantazhnia in the port of Chornomorsk - Mitn Design, Transfer Document.
Classical delivery - delivery of the container of the abstract vantazh to the kinze point.
yak Rozrahovy Varty Delivery?
Tsin of the container transportation to lay the vid: ✔ Type of the container (20-foot, 40-foot); ✔ Vagi lusting that vague; ✔ type of product (zvinya, non -reckless, excess); ✔ Hanging transport (smorska, Hall of Automobile, Automobilna Sprace); ✔ Termіniv delivery (Eexpres Abo standard); ✔ Dodatkovikh obedience (insurement, warehouse, Mitne decorated).
MI specialist on the Logistitzi of the container -by -term transportation of the pond 15 Rock -on -Change Complex Later:
✅ PIDBIR Optimal route;
✅ Consultants of the codo of the wisdom;
✅ delivery of zbirny vintage p>
✅ Control over the All -Minor process of transportation;
✅ Delivery to the product to your warehouse of the submarine of the Vidachi.
MIA guarantor Professor PIDHID TA competitive Tarifi, Schob your busvy, who was getting out without a hali bug -bust!