World Bank: climate change will result in massive internal migration

In a new report, its experts recall the rapid global warming, the consequences of which will be debilitating heat waves, droughts, fires, hurricanes, torrential rains and floods. The melting of glaciers at the poles will lead to a rise in sea levels. All these phenomena will force many people to leave their home towns and villages and look for a better life elsewhere, mainly in their own countries.

Already today, the Earth's temperature is about 1.2 degrees higher than in the pre-industrial era. Further warming will lead to the fact that by 2050, 216 million people in six regions of the world will move to other parts of their countries. Experts do not exclude that in many regions, hotbeds of internal climatic migration may form even earlier - by 2030.

By 2050, Eastern Europe and Central Asia will have 5 million climate internal migrants

According to World Bank forecasts, by 2050 the number of internal "climate" migrants in sub-Saharan Africa could reach 86 million, in East Asia and the Pacific - 49 million, in South Asia - 40 million, in North Africa - 19 million, Latin America 17 million, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia 5 million.

At the same time, the authors of the report emphasize that these are just forecasts. They believe that immediate action to reduce global emissions and support green, inclusive and sustainable development will reduce internal migration by as much as 80%.

The report provides information on only three regions: East Asia and the Pacific, North Africa, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.