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Technical features, advantages of CTS technology


The use of cold-hardening mixtures or cold-hardening mixtures makes it possible to mass-produce parts or spare parts of complex shapes to order. This technology is in demand due to a number of advantages. The main thing is the ability to reuse casting molds.

Technical features, advantages of CTS technology

The use of cold-hardening mixtures or CTS allows the serial production of parts or spare parts of complex shapes to order. This technology is in demand due to a number of advantages. The main thing is the possibility of reusing molds for casting. Another important advantage is environmental safety.

Features of CTS technology

Molds for castings are made from various materials. For the production of parts, quartz sand with a low clay content is used on screw mixers of periodic or continuous action. To improve their properties, special additives are used. They make it easier to remove the casting from the mold.

Products made from special resins that are mixed with hardeners have high characteristics. It is important to calculate their dosage. The technology of blowing molds with gaseous hardeners is considered innovative. To obtain a casting whose quality meets the technical requirements, you need to select the right materials for the manufacture of parts. The optimal solution is automatic supply of components.

Compliance with technology in the manufacture of molds guarantees their high strength. Production time is also reduced. The materials from which the molds are made (for example, quartz sand) can be reused after regeneration. This optimizes the use of resources.

Advantages of XTS technology

This technology is used by many enterprises, since it does not require the use of bulky equipment. The absence of phosphates and sulfur improves the quality of castings.

The CTS technology also has such advantages as:

  • the ability to use various materials, including wood and plastic, for the manufacture of pattern equipment ;

  • minimization of casting defects;

  • possibility of monitoring and controlling the hardening process. The duration of this process varies from 3 to 35 minutes;

  • efficient use of resources;

  • high quality of the surface of the castings. This means that there is a minimal amount of burnt on them, there are no pores or cavities.

The use of CTS technology increases the dimensional accuracy of castings and saves time on additional machining. It allows you to produce parts of complex shapes. Thanks to this advantage, the technology is used in carriage building.

Technology XTS allows you to organize flexible production that can 100% satisfy customer needs. Such a material and technical base is available to the RM Rail company, an integrated manufacturer of freight rolling stock in Russia.

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