Home / Publications / Digest / Ремонт и строительство / Features of installing electric warm underlay under tiles
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Features of installing electric warm underlay under tiles

Ремонт и строительство
Features of installing electric warm underlay under tiles

The tile is considered one of the coldest underfloor coverings, which makes it as uncomfortable as possible to wear shoes in the winter. Therefore, there is a way to keep the surface less cold. True, this needs to be turned on immediately.

Electric heat is actively being used today, including under the tiles. Distillers will try out a number of different options for heating the dough under the hood. You will no longer be able to select the required option at https://teploman.com.ua/teplapidloga/pod-plitku.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly install and connect the electric heating system under the tile, or ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room and do not allow any expansion.

Preparing a plan for placing a warm bed

To begin with, you need to create a detailed plan for the placement and immediately think about it The warmth of the substrate may grow. Even heating mats and cables are not subject to strong mechanical stress. However, they cannot be installed in places where large furniture or important household appliances, such as a refrigerator, a washing machine, etc., will be expanded in the future.

Also, the design plan for placing a warm bed, please pay attention to reach the walls. The cables cannot be extended closer than 10-15 cm from the wall. And the temperature sensor should be placed at a distance of up to 50 cm from it.

Preparing the base of the substrate

When heating mats are installed near tile adhesive, you must first level and clean the screed with a saw, smith I'm skinny. The next stage of preparation of the substrate is the installation of heat-insulating material. The most suitable solution for these tasks is polyethylene foam.

Installation of a warm underlay

The third stage involves inserting a heating mat onto the base of the underlay. Quite simply, parts of such systems are produced ready-made and sold in rolls. You just need to place the mesh in this order, or cover the required area and find a place to place important household equipment.

When you install the heating cable, the installation becomes even more complicated. Here you need to carefully check the thickness, the pressure and the heating temperature of the underlayment that is comfortable for you.

Be sure to carefully follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and safety techniques.

Further Stages of installing a warm underlay under the tile

After you have laid out the heating mats, you can complete the installation of the warm underlay:

  1. Install a sensor that will change the temperature of the cable.
  2. Make a hole in the wall and place a thermostat in it. If you create a warm surface near the bathroom, it is better to move the thermostat outside the room.

After this, you can install the substrate on tile adhesive. Once the glue has dried, you can put electric heat into the robot.

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