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Fireplace stoves: advantages and disadvantages of stove equipment

Ремонт и обрустройство

Wood-fired heating equipment is becoming more and more popular. A variety of models and constructive and design solutions, ease of installation and use allows you to equip your house with reliable and stylish heating equipment.

Fireplace stoves: advantages and disadvantages of stove equipment

A stove-fireplace will help to create a unique atmosphere of a warm home in the cold season or during cold snaps. The efficiency of using heating stoves supports the popularity and demand for stove equipment among owners of country houses and summer cottages. A fireplace stove for a home is a cast iron or steel firebox with a fireproof glass door, metal, ceramic or stone casing as additional decoration.

The undeniable advantages of fireplace stoves

  • Furnace and fireplace equipment has a significant advantage - it is used not only as an accent element of home decor, but also as an autonomous heating device.
  • The economical use of wood-burning stoves for the home will save up to 50% on heating costs.
  • Rapid warm-up within 20 minutes.
  • Appearance from minimalist style to a variety of design solutions for every taste.

Disadvantages of oven equipment

  • Insufficient heat capacity of steel furnaces. A steel stove cools down faster and does not hold heat for long. Stone and ceramic casings can help in solving the problem of low heat capacity, but it must be borne in mind that they increase weight and dimensions. Cast iron devices also have a high heat capacity.
  • Wood heating requires wood heating costs and constant attention to keep burning.
  • Regular cleaning of soot and grime.
  • Compulsory preventive maintenance and ensuring excellent traction of the furnace device.

Design Features

  1. Cast iron combustion chamber up to 12 mm thick. Such cameras can withstand high temperatures and temperature extremes. The heat capacity is better than that of furnaces made of steel. Cast iron is durable in use (up to 30 years on average) and is very durable. The disadvantage of a cast iron firebox is its considerable weight. Models with cast iron inserts have a simple design.
  2. Steel firebox. The thinness of steel (up to 5 mm) provides a significant reduction in model weight and an increase in mobile properties. The variety of shapes and accessories of steel heating stoves makes this model more suitable for heating in bedrooms and living rooms. However, they are cheaper and easier to install and maintain.
  3. Swing doors and chimneys. The small size of the side door facilitates efficient fume extraction through the chimney.

Wood-fired heating equipment is becoming more and more popular. A variety of models and constructive and design solutions, ease of installation and use allows you to equip your house with reliable and stylish heating equipment.

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