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Areas of use of artificial grass

Сельское хозяйство

Благодаря современным технологиям, по своим эксплуатационным и эстетическим свойствам, трава из полимерных материалов намного лучше, чем натуральный аналог

Areas of use of artificial grass

Thanks to modern technologies, grass made from polymer materials is much better in its performance and aesthetic properties than its natural counterpart. Subject to correct selection and installation on a prepared base. But, before you buy artificial lawn, you should figure out where to use it will be most beneficial. Manufacturers produce a fairly wide variety of coatings, both for open areas and as decor in enclosed spaces. 

Resistance to intense loads

Natural grass, even the highest quality, has one significant drawback. In places of intensive use and a large flow of people, it is quickly trampled down and restored extremely slowly. A striking example is a football field, especially in the goal area. Replacing with properly selected artificial grass will keep the playground in perfect condition all year round:

  1. Polymer grass does not need regular watering.
  2. Keeps the length of individual blades of grass throughout the entire season operation.
  3. Does not fade in direct sunlight.
  4. During operation, it does not release toxins into the air or soil.
  5. Individual, damaged areas can be replaced with new ones.

 The best specimens have excellent performance and aesthetic characteristics. The grass is not capable of causing serious physical damage if an adult or child falls on it. On the contrary, thanks to its natural shock-absorbing properties, it protects joints from injury.

 Practical application

The first copies, several decades ago, had conditional positive characteristics. Thanks to the search for better polymers, artificial turf can be used in dozens of everyday applications. Maintain a neat appearance of the site or territory, practically without taking any additional measures:

  1. arranging a children's playground for seasonal games;
  2. a classic sports ground with a large flow of people;
  3. football, volleyball field or school stadium;
  4. decorative covering near shopping centers;
  5. elements of artificial landscaping inside buildings.

 Last factor used relatively recently. Indoors do not always have enough light to support natural grass. If you choose and buy artificial grass, it will create a believable illusion of landscaping in a building with decorative corner. It can be used both in commercial premises and in residential rooms.

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