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How to choose high-quality compound feed?

Сельское хозяйство

Compound feed is a mixture of various components intended for complete nutrition of animals and birds.

How to choose high-quality compound feed?

Compound feed is one of the main elements of nutrition for farm animals and birds. The health and productivity of animals, as well as the profitability of agriculture, directly depend on its quality. But what exactly makes compound feed of high quality, and what criteria should it meet?

What is compound feed?

Compound feed is a mixture of various components intended for complete nutrition of animals and birds. It consists of grain crops, meals, cakes, mineral supplements, vitamins and amino acids. Compound feed can be complete (replacing the entire diet of the animal) or concentrated (added to the main diet).

The main advantages of compound feed include:

  1. Complete nutrition. Compound feed provides animals with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the correct proportions, which contributes to their health and productivity.
  2. Ease of use. The mixture is easy to transport, store and dose, which greatly facilitates the work of farmers.
  3. Economic efficiency. Properly selected feed allows you to reduce the cost of feeding animals due to its optimal composition and high digestibility.

Criteria for the quality of feed

High-quality feed must meet the following criteria:

  • Compliance with standards. Compound feed must be produced in accordance with established quality and safety standards, such as GOST or ISO. This guarantees the absence of harmful substances and the product’s compliance with the declared characteristics.
  • Balanced composition. High-quality feed should include all the nutrients necessary for the animal: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The proportions of these substances depend on the type of animal, its age and physiological state.
  • Lack of harmful additives. Compound feed should not contain toxic or harmful substances such as mold, toxins, pesticides, heavy metals and antibiotics. To do this, the manufacturer must control the quality of raw materials and follow production technology.
  • Optimal texture and shape. Compound feed should be convenient for consumption by animals. It can be produced in the form of granules, grits or flour, depending on the type and age of the animals. Granules, for example, prevent spillage and reduce feed wastage.

When choosing a suitable feed mixture, the reputation of the manufacturer plays a significant role. For example, feed produced by JSC "Lidakhleboprodukt" (https://muka.by/) are popular thanks to the company's responsible attitude to the quality of raw materials and finished products.

What kind of feed should not be given to animals?

There are several types of feed that are strictly not recommended to be given to animals:

  1. If the food has an unpleasant odor, signs of mold, or is infested with parasites or rodents, its use can lead to serious illness or even death of the animals.
  2. Excessive amounts of salt or sugar can cause problems with digestion, kidneys and general health of the animals.
  3. Feeds with added antibiotics or growth hormones.
  4. It is important to avoid feeds containing unknown ingredients or components with unproven beneficial properties.


Quality compound feed - This is the key to animal health and productivity. When choosing feed, you need to pay attention to its composition, freshness, compliance with standards and the absence of harmful additives. Poor quality or unsuitable feed can not only reduce animal productivity, but also lead to serious diseases. A responsible approach to the selection and use of feed helps preserve the health of animals, increase their productivity and ensure high quality of the final product.

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