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Legal address rental services from Uradresa


The company's specialists are lawyers and auditors who offer comprehensive services

Legal address rental services from Uradresa

Uradresa.info has been offering legal addresses for rent on favorable terms for clients for more than 20 years. It has a complete database of legal addresses in Moscow. The main field of activity of the company is rental of legal addresses with postal services. We will find out what additional services can be ordered further.

Leasing legal addresses services: main features

  1. Daily mail checking.
  2. The ability to receive fresh correspondence either by pick-up or by courier.
  3. Forwarding letters by e-mail.
  4. Forwarding letters by fax.

The company's staff consists of professionals in their field. The company's specialists are lawyers and auditors who offer comprehensive services. In the process of cooperation, an agreement is concluded with each client. It describes all the features of cooperation between both parties. A set of documents is offered for each legal address. It includes written confirmation from the owner of the address.

The list of legal addresses is presented with a detailed description, an indication of the cost of monthly rent and a selection of current photographs. You can order the address you like in 1 click thanks to the convenient and simple website menu. You can find out about all the discounts on the company's website.

How to find a legal address for rent?

The user-friendly interface of the site makes it possible to easily and quickly find legal addresses for rent . To do this, you can go to the official website and familiarize yourself with the proposed options. If the address you need is not on the list, you can contact the company’s specialists. They will help you choose legal addresses and advise on all issues. To do this, you can enter data in a special field, indicating your name and phone number. A company representative will contact you shortly to clarify all the details.

You can place your ad in the directory of legal addresses for free. If you are the owner of a legal address, you can get the opportunity to earn money on applications from the site. All transactions with clients are concluded on transparent terms. Financial guarantees are provided for each client. For more information, please visit the company's website. Our specialists will help you resolve any issues that arise in the process of searching for a legal address for rent.

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