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Monitoring employees in the workplace


The purpose of working time control is to ensure labor productivity and compliance with the law

Monitoring employees in the workplace

Monitoring of employees should be carried out on a regular basis. This is an important event that allows you to monitor compliance with functional duties. The working time control system of employees is different convenience and functionality. It is focused on determining the activity of employees and analyzing the data obtained. How this system works, and what features of its functioning can be identified, we will find out further.

Features of the working time recording system

The main task of the software is to determine the degree of productivity fulfilling the functional responsibilities of each employee. It provides tools that allow you to monitor work on all projects and tasks. Functions that are typical for this program are working time tracking, productivity analysis, inactivity control, video recording of activity and others. 

Features of working time control

One of the most important resources of every person is working time. For it, wages are calculated, managers move towards the final goal. Working time control allows you to track and analyze the period that an employee spends at his place.

Working time consists of such important moments - the beginning and end of the working day, breaks, overtime. The purpose of working time control is to ensure labor productivity and compliance with the law. Thanks to the control system, several main issues are resolved - optimization of working time, facilitating planning, even calculation of wages, simulation of personnel to maintain labor discipline.

Types of working time

If you keep recording of employee working hours, You can effectively distribute your working day. Let's consider the main types of working time:

  1. Normal - on average at different enterprises the working time is 40 hours per week.
  2. Part-time. If an employee works less than 40 hours per week, it is advisable to talk about part-time work. 
  3. Abbreviated. This schedule is mainly used in companies with hazardous production. Also, young people and people who have health limitations work on a reduced schedule.

Working time is taken into account using various methods - time clock, electronic, project, flexible. 

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