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Stew dishes are not only tasty, they are also filling and healthy

Special Purpose Service

As you know, stew is considered a traditional army dish. Stew in a jar is a quick and easy way to have a snack when you can’t prepare a full lunch or dinner. On the website https://osnaz.ru/poleznaya-informaciya/blyuda-s-tushenkoj-tradicii-armejskogo-kejteringa you can learn more about the traditions of army catering.

Stew as the basis of military food

Every housewife has taken note that with the help of stew you can easily and quickly prepare dinner from a jar. But the most important task of this canned product is to provide nutrition during camping conditions. Many tourists, rescuers and military personnel have managed to appreciate the use of stew in a field kitchen.

The Osnaz - Special Purpose Service company offers comprehensive hot meals in various remote areas. For example, an excellent solution is standard field porridge with stew. A healthy, tasty dish that allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger.

Basic requirements for quality stew

Stew is popular not only because it allows you to quickly and easily get enough . In addition, the dish has high nutritional value. It adds valuable proteins and fats to the body. This is especially important under conditions of significant physical activity. Today you can find stew made from almost any type of meat. This is rabbit, duck, goose, lamb. The classic version of stew is made from pork, chicken or beef. There are special requirements for the stew, including the composition of the meat, the content of proteins, fats, and calorie content. 

The stew is sterilized for at least 2 hours, at a temperature above 100°. Thanks to high heat treatment, all possible types of microbes are destroyed, and a safe and high-quality product is obtained.

Stew dishes are not only tasty, they are also filling and healthy. It can be used to prepare borscht, navy-style pasta, and pilaf. The traditional solution for field cooking is buckwheat porridge with stew. Today you can find quite a lot of recipes based on canned meat from a can. All of them have a pleasant taste.

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