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Services of specialists from the group of companies "Status"


Receive standard reporting documentation in a timely manner

Services of specialists from the group of companies "Status"

Environmental legislation provides for monitoring and accounting of the activities of enterprises that pose a potential threat to the environment. Such control includes checking documentation confirming the inspection of samples, released gases, drains of technical fluids and sending for waste disposal. Professional maintenance of environmental documentation at an enterpriserequires a full-time specialist or an entire department. Cooperation with the Status company will allow you to:

  1. Eliminate the cost of maintaining staff.
  2. Receive reporting documentation in a timely manner in the established format.

Work in a remote format will be performed by company employees specializing in this field of work. Such joint activities are carried out on an official contractual basis and are not prohibited at the legislative level.

Additional education of employees

Certain types of activities require regular training to improve the skills of workers and technical employees of the enterprise . The Status group of companies provides not only retraining, but also training under additional vocational education programs in any convenient location for customers form. Such training is carried out:

  1. According to approved state standards and proven methods.
  2. On the basis of specially prepared training and complexes for mastering practical skills. 
  3. Qualified teachers and specialized specialists.

Specialists who have completed training or retraining are issued diplomas of the established form. The data is entered into a unified state register, confirming the availability of permission to perform certain types of work and production tasks.

Customer consultation

You can learn more about the services and terms of cooperation using the official website of the organization. Access to the Internet resource to view the information presented is free and does not require prior registration. Domestic Group of Companies "Status" provides any type of services on a formal contractual basis. A preliminary free consultation is carried out, all the nuances and interests of the client are taken into account. The estimated cost is discussed individually. You can submit a request for an interview on the website, indicating a telephone number or email server for communication.

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