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Checking the quality of goods at a Chinese enterprise


The service scheme has been worked out to the smallest detail in such a way that to purchase goods in the Middle Kingdom, an entrepreneur from Russia does not even have to leave his office

Checking the quality of goods at a Chinese enterprise

The commercial purchase and sale of goods made in China has its own characteristics. The main ones include difficulties arising with the return of substandard products or products that have manufacturing defects. Significant distances and congestion of logistics routes increase delivery times to several months, and also involve significant transport costs. The solution to the problem is quality control at the enterprise or during shipment by an independent expert China VED (a commercial company adapted to the needs of foreign entrepreneurs). 

Company specialization

The company carries out its official licensed activities in the territory of the People's Republic of China (more details here – on the organization’s website). Main area of work:

  1. Intermediary services to foreign individuals and legal entities in the field of purchasing goods from Chinese manufacturers.
  2. Client representation during negotiations and execution of trade transactions.
  3. Providing a legal address and a bank account for performing financial transactions.

The service scheme is worked out to the smallest detail in such a way that to purchase goods in the Middle Kingdom, an entrepreneur from Russia does not even have to leave your office. All bureaucratic issues related to the preparation of documents and shipping, the optimal logistics route are resolved by the company’s specialists on the basis of an agreement concluded with the client.

How quality control is carried out

State programs developed by the PRC government aimed at to improve the quality of products for export and the domestic market, allow company specialists to exercise control in production. Algorithm of actions:

  1. The client selects the product and the manufacturer.
  2. Concludes an agreement for representation by China Foreign Economic Activity specialists.
  3. Inspection is carried out at the stage of production, packaging and shipment.
  4. All stages are recorded, including in online video mode.
  5. Reports and examination results performed by independent experts are provided.

Get a more complete information on the conditions of cooperation with China foreign trade activities can be found on the website https://chinaved.com/factories-china companies. Interested clients are consulted by a full-time specialist. A preliminary estimate of the cost of services is provided free of charge. The deadlines for completing the tasks set by the customer are established.   

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