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Assistance in obtaining a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations


A package of original documents is submitted along with the application.

Assistance in obtaining a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Established state standards and fire safety requirements provide for the issuance of official permission to carry out certain types of activities. To submit an application and obtain a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations you need to:

  1. Manufacturers or trading organizations that supply and sell any types of fire equipment designed to control and perform tasks related to extinguishing fires.
  2. Companies providing services for the design, installation and commissioning of warning systems , removal of toxic combustion and extinguishing products.
  3. Enterprises that operate control and extinguishing equipment using full-time employees, without the services of licensed intermediaries.

A package of original materials is submitted along with the application documents. They must justify the applicant’s requirements and confirm his compliance with the regulatory, construction or technical standards established for approval of the license.

Difficulties in obtaining a license

The bureaucratic side of the issue of obtaining a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a significant obstacle, which is quite difficult for an applicant who does not have relevant experience to overcome. Main problems:

  1. The application form is strictly regulated.
  2. The package of documents includes original certificates and test reports.
  3. Long terms for consideration of the application.
  4. Refusals with a vague and not always clear formulation of the reasons.

Specialists from the POZHEKSPERT company will help resolve all issues at the legal level. The presence of experience and expert level among full-time employees allows us to guarantee obtaining a license in the shortest possible time.

Form of provision of services

An entrepreneur or an official of the organization issuing the Ministry of Emergency Situations license has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the terms of cooperation through the company website. A free preliminary consultation is provided by a full-time specialist. All aspects and details of the client’s activities are clarified. A formal agreement is concluded. The following is carried out:

  1. Analysis of the submitted documentation (can be sent electronically).
  2. On-site inspection (if necessary).
  3. Selection and delivery of equipment.
  4. Staff training.

The company’s lawyer draws up the application and controls the processes of its consideration in government agencies. The client receives the original license within the time period established by the contract along with an extract of its registration from the state register.  

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