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Profitable rental of warehouse space near the Moscow Ring Road


The lease agreement is concluded with the direct owner of the complex.

Profitable rental of warehouse space near the Moscow Ring Road

Certain types of commercial activities involve the use of warehouse space. They are necessary for completing batches or storing goods that are in demand during a certain season. A special container warehouse will help reduce rental costs, which:

  1. A multi-storey complex with metal containers installed inside.
  2. Each individual container has a small area, which makes it affordable.
  3. Is available for rent only one user. Access is provided by passes and excludes unauthorized opening without the knowledge of the tenant.

The building is located in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road and has equipped access roads. To enter heavy trucks, you do not need to obtain a special permit from the city authorities. 

Main advantages

Negotiable Renting a warehouse for personal belongingsor commercial products in the format of individual metal containers, in addition to the affordable cost, has a number of important advantages in comparison with large logistics terminals:

  1. The building maintains a stable temperature regime , eliminating changes and the formation of condensation.
  2. In hermetically sealed containers, low air humidity is maintained.
  3. The tenant can, at his own discretion, choose the dimensions and size of the area (from 2 square meters).
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  5. 24-hour access to the warehouse, which operates without breaks or entrances.
  6. Free parking for clients' cars and trucks.
  7. Guarantee of safety and compliance with fire and sanitary conditions standards. 

The lease agreement is concluded with the direct owner of the complex. The absence of intermediaries determines affordable and competitive tariff rates for warehouse space in the immediate vicinity of the capital.

Free consultation and online registration of a lease agreement

You can get more complete information about the conditions for renting a container warehouse from using the official website of the owner, the Skladovka company. Free consultation is carried out by a staff member. The manager will answer all organizational and technical questions that arise. Will help you choose the best option. Draw up and conclude an agreement in online format. The final cost and terms are discussed individually with each client.  

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