Home / News / Asia / The evolution of Chinese steel mills: from robots to peacocks

The evolution of Chinese steel mills: from robots to peacocks

Asia / Ferrous metallurgy

Robots manage everything, there is no lighting in the production area, peacocks and sika deer walk around the plant... This is the picture that prevails in Chinese factories at the moment.

The evolution of Chinese steel mills: from robots to peacocks

Inside the cold rolling shop of China's largest metallurgical company Baosteel in Shanghai looks like a dark steel jungle.

The “AI brain” supports the main control center, where only three employees work. Robots have replaced manual labor in the workshop, so the lights here are often turned off to save energy. Even the production of car panels, which is a highly complex technological process, can be easily carried out by robots with virtually no lighting.

Not far from the Baosteel complex there is a zoo built by the company, which houses peacocks and sika deer. Animals sensitive to the state of the environment are the best “sentinels”, notifying of the slightest changes in the environmental situation around the enterprise.

Steel mills, which were once a source of environmental pollution, have become the vanguard of green manufacturing.

Baosteel has built a smart carbon data platform that includes carbon accounting, carbon assets and carbon footprint. Every steel product supplied to end users has a carbon footprint that can be tracked.

China's first batch of low-carbon silicon steel products was launched in March this year. By reducing the consumption of ore, coal and coke during the smelting process, the carbon footprint of products was reduced.

As the “workshop of the world”, China has remained the largest global player in the industrial market for 10 years in a row. robots. Its share in the global volume of robots deployed increased from 14% in 2012 to 52% in 2022.

Shanghai is the first city in China to record robot density - an indicator that determines the number of robots for every 10 thousand . Human. Currently, this figure at major industrial enterprises has reached 426 units, thanks to which this Chinese metropolis maintains a leading position in the world in the number of robots deployed.

According to the action plan announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology together with the other 16 ministries and departments in 2023, by 2025 in China the density of robots in the manufacturing sector should double compared to 2020. In Shanghai, this figure in key industries should reach 500 units.

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