Home / News / Mining industry / Metinvest has received a kind "Hello" from the ancient Scythians
Home / News / Mining industry / Metinvest has received a kind "Hello" from the ancient Scythians

Metinvest has received a kind "Hello" from the ancient Scythians

Mining industry / Ukraine

adventure is almost in the spirit of Indiana Jones happened this summer to the career of Metinvest's Northern GOK. This is a story that began more than 4,000 years ago, say in the company of Rinat Akhmetov and Vadim Novinsky.

Metinvest has received a kind "Hello" from the ancient Scythians

On-site Andonovska of the North field and processing plant mining and metallurgical holding Metinvest found the burials of the late bronze age. Examining the burial, the archaeological expedition found that two of the five mounds found – was a ritual, and even found traces of Scythian tribes – remnants of pottery and household items.

Treasure of the Scythians was discovered almost by accident on the North side of the Annivka field, on the route of the auxiliary Railways of Northern mining. The tribes living in this territory in the late bronze age (from 4000 thousand years ago), left behind five mounds: the two mounds are connected with the ritual life of the Scythians, during the excavation, fragments of skeletons, the remains of pottery and household items.

the expedition was attended by the chief surveyor SevGOK Maxim Ponorac:

"Before to expand our careers into a regional center of historical and cultural heritage is sent to the mapping areas of the field with maps of location of objects of historical and cultural destination. If you have them conducted emergency excavations to valuable findings do not accidentally destroyed and was transferred to the regional museums of the city, region or the capital. To confirm the version of archeologists particularly interesting findings sometimes are in Germany, where the necessary expertise".

Dnipropetrovsk archaeological expedition in the summer explored the unique Scythian burial. According to scientists, discovered five burial mounds is only a part of a large group of so-called "Ordinary graves", a total of 12. With the expansion of the Annivka career of their research was conducted from 1983 to 2010. The first four of the mound was excavated by local archaeologists, continued – Dnipropetrovsk scientists.

Of the largest unique finds Annovskiy field of last years Maxim Ponorac called the melting furnace. Melted in it not metal (strong ore had not yet succumbed to the Scythians), and the silt with the particle species. During the current excavations, he was surprised stone hatchet.

"it has such a smooth face! – admires the fine work of the ancestors specialist SevGOK. Even in our time, with the help of a mechanical device, especially manually, it is not always possible to achieve such accuracy. Well, just piece of work!"

Field work on the excavations of a group of mounds on the Northern part of the Annivka field is already completed, now comes the lab processing finds. In the near future investigations are planned. All found values will be stored in the Museum of Krivoy Rog.

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