Home / Press Releases / Karelsky Okatysh resumed supplies of iron ore concentrate to the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant
Home / Press Releases / Karelsky Okatysh resumed supplies of iron ore concentrate to the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant

Karelsky Okatysh resumed supplies of iron ore concentrate to the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant

Press Releases

Karelsky Okatysh, the leading iron ore mining and processing plant in Russia (part of PJSC Severstal), has resumed deliveries of iron ore concentrate to the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant (CherMK). This is one of the first projects implemented within the Upstream. Thanks to him, CherMK significantly reduced the purchase of this product from third parties.

The concentrate shipment route at Karelsky Okatysh was mothballed 10 years ago, but in the first quarter of this year it was decided to re-launch it. It was necessary to adapt to the new and rather difficult conditions of the concentrate preparation and pelletizing section in the shortest possible time. For this, some units were repaired, for example, a self-propelled bunker and main conveyors. The technological chain was reconfigured so that it was possible to send the concentrate for loading into wagons without interrupting the process of pellet production.

New ceramic filters, the installation of which was completed at the beginning of the year, help in the production of concentrate. Thanks to this equipment, moisture adjustments are made quickly and efficiently. Changes have also taken place in the area of ​​finished products. Here, the specialists of the technological automation and metrology department automated the work of the concentrate loading bunker.

“This project is a striking example of cooperation within the Upstream. Team members found an effective cross-functional solution that was beneficial for everyone. We continue to work in this direction - our colleagues from Kostomuksha and Cherepovets are in constant communication and search, and we already have new joint ideas that will also have a significant effect, "said Maxim Vorobyov, General Director of Karelsky Okatysh and Olkon.

In just three summer months, Karelsky Okatysh sent 357 thousand tons of concentrate to Cherepovets and more than 100 thousand tons are to be shipped. The end-to-end effect of the project will amount to 1.5 billion rubles.

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