Home / Press Releases / OEMK hosted the Russian Steel Congress on industrial safety and environmental protection
Home / Press Releases / OEMK hosted the Russian Steel Congress on industrial safety and environmental protection

OEMK hosted the Russian Steel Congress on industrial safety and environmental protection

Press Releases

September 10-11, 2019 The II Congress of the Association of Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises "Russian Steel" on labor protection, industrial and environmental safety "Russian Steel: Safe and Green Metallurgy" was held at the site of the Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant in Stary Oskol.

Representatives of the World Association became delegates to the Congress steel producers (World Steel Association), the largest Russian companies in the metallurgical industry and other sectors of the economy: Gazprom Neft, EVRAZ, Metalloinvest, Mechel, MMK, NLMK Group, OMK, PMH, UC RUSAL, Severstal, SIBUR Holding », TMK, ChTPZ Group, etc.

Representatives of state authorities - the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, scientific, educational and expert organizations took an active part in the Congress.

The congress participants exchanged experience and best practices of building safe and environmentally friendly production, discussed the principles of functioning of an effective safety management system ud, industrial safety and environmental protection, issues of state regulation of the industry.

“The second congress of Russian Steel on labor protection, industrial and environmental safety was held at OEMK, a unique enterprise where technologies for direct reduction of iron and smelting steel in electric furnaces. The first congress was held at MMK, - said the Executive Director of the Association Alexey Sentyurin. The issues discussed are of a general industry nature, therefore it is very important that we gather representatives of enterprises and public authorities directly at production sites to see the work done, outline further steps and assess on the spot the possibility of achieving the target indicators. ”

According to Alexei Sentyurin, “when setting tasks for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 in terms of reducing pollutant emissions by 2024 by at least 20%, it is important to take into account the results already achieved. Enterprises that have invested huge amounts of money in the modernization of production and use the world's best technologies and modern equipment should not be put on a par with those who have not. If the second group of enterprises can achieve the required reduction of emissions during the modernization of production, then the first is probably by closing part of the capacity. ”

“ Investing in basic production technologies is the best environmental measure, since modern technology is always more environmentally friendly and resource efficient, - said the head of the BAT Bureau Dmitry Skobelev. “Such events help businesses and legislators to organize their work so that the costs of complying with new regulatory requirements are at the same time an investment in production development.”

On the second day of the Congress, the guests visited the production sites of Metalloinvest's enterprises - an electric steel-smelting shop and a rolled metal finishing shop OEMK, the third complex for the production of hot briquetted iron (HBI-3 complex) of Lebedinsky GOK, observed blasting operations in the open pit of Lebedinsky GOK.

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The Russian Steel Association of Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises unites the largest producers of metallurgical products in Russia. The association was founded in 2001. leading metallurgical companies of Russia to coordinate efforts to protect the interests of Russian metallurgists and implement joint projects that are not of a commercial nature. The companies that are members of the Association produce 98% of Russian pig iron, about 90% of steel and Russian rolled products, about 60% of pipes, as well as a significant share of raw materials for the metallurgical industry.

Members of the Association currently are: LLC EvrazHolding, PJSC NLMK, PJSC MMK, JSC OEMK (LLC MC Metalloinvest), PAO Mechel, JSC OMK, PJSC Severstal, PJSC TMK "And LLC UK" PMH ".

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