Home / Press Releases / Report on CSR and sustainable development "Severstal" became the winner of annual report Competition of Moscow exchange
Home / Press Releases / Report on CSR and sustainable development "Severstal" became the winner of annual report Competition of Moscow exchange

Report on CSR and sustainable development "Severstal" became the winner of annual report Competition of Moscow exchange

Press Releases

Report on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
company "Severstal" became the prize-winner of the XXII Annual competition of annual reports
Moscow exchange in the category "Best report on corporate social
responsibility and sustainable development".

the Solemn ceremony of awarding the winners took place on 13
November 2019 in Moscow.

the Nomination was established by the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs and
annually awards companies that are most fully revealed
the information in the field of sustainable development, including indicators of financial
environmental and social sustainability.

Just to participate in the nomination contest was 61 filed report, four of which
included in the list of winners.

"a Great honor to receive such a high rating for reporting CSR and
sustainability. Severstal strives to ensure the highest level of
the transparency of its activities, by publishing a report in the financial sector,
and in the field of occupational safety, ecology, industrial safety and social
investments", - said the head of corporate social
responsibility and brand of the company "Severstal" Natalia Poppel.

the annual report Competition organized by Moscow stock exchange
and media group "securities Market", is one of the most important events in
the field of corporate governance and interaction with investors, a platform for
the formation of standards for the provision of information on business and strategy development
company to its shareholders, identifying current trends and best practices with
the point of view of content, structure and design of annual reports.

the Report on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
company "Severstal" prepared annually by the international standard
non-financial reporting – guidelines for reporting on sustainable
development of the Global reporting initiative (GRI), taking into account the main themes of the
Guidance on social responsibility (ISO 26000) and is
the procedure of public endorsement by the Board of the RUIE non-financial reporting.
2018 Report available on the corporate website of the company "Severstal" in the
"Sustainable development" or by reference.

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