Home / Press Releases / CMP modernized rolling mill for production of rebar

CMP modernized rolling mill for production of rebar

Press Releases
Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant (OJSC CHMK, enters into Group "Mechel") has launched after modernization, the updated mill 240. The mill manufactured a new product – heat-strengthened rebar which are widely demanded in Russia and the CIS countries for the manufacture of concrete products, reinforcement of floor slabs, construction of building foundations.

the Mill was equipped with equipment for cooling the reinforcing bar technology "Timtim", developed by Russian scientists. At the final stage of the rolling armature is treated with water under high pressure. The temperature of the steel bar within fractions of seconds is reduced from 1000 to 500 degrees, and then it is sent to natural cooling. This technology enables to produce rebar with optimal mechanical properties and reduces its cost.

"Camera hydroochloride has a telescopic design. This allows you to quickly rebuild the production line if the production process is required to change the settings of the valves", – explained technical Director of JSC "CHMK" Andrey Zyryanov.

Reinforcement bars produced in this way fully corresponds to the new GOST 34028-2016.


Anna Angelica
head of Department
public relations
tel: +7 (351) 725-40-48
e-mail: AnnaDudnik@mechel.ru

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