Home / Press Releases / Severstal introduces platform SAP S/4HANA in the digital transformation of the company
Home / Press Releases / Severstal introduces platform SAP S/4HANA in the digital transformation of the company

Severstal introduces platform SAP S/4HANA in the digital transformation of the company

Press Releases

PAO Severstal (MICEX-RTS: CHMF; LSE: SVST), one of the largest in the world.
a vertically integrated steel and mining companies,
began in the first quarter of 2020, the development process of the transition to
the new generation platform, SAP S/4HANA, which will replace SAP ERP. It is expected that
the full implementation of the new platform will be completed in October 2021.

the New platform will be the "digital heart" of "Severstal", which
dozens of integrated systems. In the project involved both it and
business team that allows to take into account and meet the needs of the business
under development. In the modernization of business processes will involve all
options, employees who are direct users of SAP ERP.
Implementation of SAP S/4HANA at Severstal, unlike most other companies,
will happen without stopping the development of key processes, which will
continue the work of all departments as planned.

the peculiarity of the project – the use of standardized processes and the rejection of
a significant part of its own program code. Due to the higher
speeds, cross-functional collaboration, optimizing business processes and
the capability to track end-to-end efficiency of SAP S/4HANA will allow
to create additional value for Severstal.

"This project is special for us from the point of view of the external environment and
used approaches to work organization. Moving towards transformation in
accordance with ambitious goals, we are going to change during the implementation of the new
platform, SAP S/4HANA. This is a big challenge for the company, involving not only
change digital platform, but also a critical revision of everyday practices,
the organization of processes and cross-functional interaction," said
General Director of "Severstal" Alexander Shevelev.

"In today's time, investment in innovative tools like never
justified and substantiated. Companies who already have a degree of digital maturity,
faster change, adapt processes to external changes and easier to find
a new point of growth and development. Severstal is an example of a company that systematically
structural and implements digital projects. SAP S/4HANA is a really
a tool that will become the basis and support for all further initiatives
the company in this direction", - said Deputy General
Director of SAP CIS Alexey Leontovich.

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