Home / Press Releases / In the mine shaft "of the Skip-Cage" Novo-Uchalinsky mine passed first horizon

In the mine shaft "of the Skip-Cage" Novo-Uchalinsky mine passed first horizon

Press Releases
In the mine shaft "of the Skip-Cage" Novo-Uchalinsky mine passed first horizon

Uchaly (Republic of Bashkortostan)

On a building construction site of Novo-Uchalinsky underground mine Uchalinsky GOK (enterprise resource complex UMMC) continued sinking shaft "of the Skip-Cage". Forces Contracting company "Construction management" passed the first peresichna pumping station at -220 meters, designed for pumping to the surface water generated in the mine during the sinking of the trunk. Today, the depth of the barrel is 352 p. M.
"you have Reached the depth at which the downhole pump is no longer able to provide water drainage. Currently pumping water is carried through perekatnoe pumping station: fixed mine in 20-metre equipped with two pump – main and backup. The station was put into operation", - said the head of area of mining-capital works n 7 OOO "SCB" Khisamov Rinat.
this year the miners have to go to equip one intermediate dewatering at around -440 meters.
"the Project for the excavation of a trunk provided the use of two Budevich climbs. In 2020 is planned to put into operation the second winder, the delivery of which is expected in June. Schedule of works for the year 2020 provides for the driving of the linear part of the trunk volume of 380 meters, thus, at the beginning of 2021, the total length of penetration of the linear part of the trunk will be 593 p. M.", - told the Deputy chief of Department of capital construction of JSC "Uchalinskiy GOK" Rustam Davletshin.
In 2020 put into operation fire pump station to ensure fire safety of construction works and tree trunks concrete and mortar unit (BRU) whose primary purpose is to ensure the momentum of penetration of the barrel.
the Sinking of the mine shaft "of the Skip-Cage" at a depth of 1200 meters is planned to be completed in 2023. After the release of the Novo-Uchalinsky mine production capacity production volume will reach 4.5 million tons ore per year. Balance reserves of the Novo-Uchalinsky Deposit contains about 116 million tons. This will allow the plant to operate successfully for several decades.

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