Kolchugino (Vladimir region)
At Kolchuginsky factory "the Electrocable" (included in the "holding Cable Alliance", uniting cable assets UMMC) has launched a new creative project "Touch to the great." The idea is to organize a series of exhibitions of reproductions of internationally recognized talents. The highlight of each will be art objects created by the artist-decorator SPECIMEN of copper wire.
"the Objects of art housed in the lobby of the administration building, where everyone will be able to "touch the great." Are exceptionally proud of our artist with whom we have carried out many creative ideas - said the head of the Department for General Affairs Natalia Pfanenshtil. - The new project will allow to diversify the corporate life of the team. Many employees thank you for the opportunity to get acquainted with the works of great artists, but someone topic drew so much that they became absorbed in the biography figures iskusstva".

the First sign was Pablo Picasso, as a kind of stopper eye-catching is the installation "the Girl on the drum", referring to the famous painting masters "Girl on a ball". Gymnast in the technique of weaving of copper wire.
replace the Spanish artist came, the Dutchman van Gogh, who became famous not only a unique style, and shocking story of the severed ear. The logical move is to make the Central element of the exhibition copper ear. The manufacture is simple, at first glance, the art object took 20 days.
"the Sketches are not drawing - worked on printed photos, trying to accurately reproduce the original. When the weave using the copper wire of various diameters from 1.2 mm to 1.8 mm. For example, for the manufacture of ear took about 800 grams of material," he revealed the secrets of creative artist-designer Vladimir Rich.