Home / Press Releases / In CHP plant Gaisky GOK in the midst of repair time
Home / Press Releases / In CHP plant Gaisky GOK in the midst of repair time

In CHP plant Gaisky GOK in the midst of repair time

Press Releases
In CHP plant Gaisky GOK in the midst of repair time

Gai (Orenburg oblast)

the CHP plant Gaisky GOK began with a large block of repairs. Traditionally it falls on the summer months, although the planned preventive maintenance are conducted year-round to ensure trouble-free operation of the shop. "At the present time in work there is only one steam boiler and two turbines, whereas in the conventional scheme involved three steam and four boilers and four turbines," - said the head of the CHP Rafkat Gysin.

a Large amount of repair work has been performed by staff of the site boiler and turbine equipment. In particular, they replace the heater and the refractory (fire-resistant and thermal insulation of the boiler) steam boiler number three. The staff and maintenance Department have been renovating one of the boiler and repair of one heating boiler. It has two heating boiler, two steam boilers and four turbine generating units, two of which will be fully uncovered for the Troubleshooting.

In the turbine shop is the replacement of network pumps carrying hot water for heating networks. Currently, instead of the greater part of the machines, with a capacity of 630 kW, a pump capacity of 315 kW; all new equipment produced in Russia.

"a Network pump – the most energy-intensive equipment, which consumes up to 60% of the plant electricity. Due to the fact that the load on pumps in recent years have decreased, the decision was made to replace them. The event was part of the program for schoolchildren. The replacement, which began last year, we managed a 15% reduction in electricity consumption for own needs," said Rafkat Gysin.

in addition to the repair works of the main equipment, the specialists of CHP plant conduct scheduled maintenance of electrical equipment, gas facilities, auxiliary equipment. In these works involved the entire repair staff CHP: workers of boiler and turbine shop, electric shop, shop of thermal automation and measurements, fuel and transport shop. Repair of steam turbines done by specialized Contracting organization LLC "Uraltermosvar" (Chelyabinsk).

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