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Home / Press Releases / Energy must be efficient

Energy must be efficient

Press Releases
In order to reduce the consumption of energy resources for the production of products, a program of measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency is approved annually by order of the General Director of PJSC MMK. The planned measures are aimed at saving electricity, fuel, drinking and industrial water, heat energy, air separation products. As of nine months, more than 150 measures have been fully completed, the overall level of order execution is almost 95% of the planned one. The measures completed in 9 months of 2020 will allow PJSC MMK and the Group of Companies to save more than 5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity (in annual terms) in the amount of 16.8 million rubles. Replacing outdated lighting fixtures with more efficient LED lamps, optimizing the operation of units and replacing energy-intensive equipment helped to achieve such savings. In addition, the result of measures to improve energy efficiency carried out over 9 months will result in savings (in annual terms) of more than 22.7 thousand tons of standard fuel. , over 13.8 thousand gigacalories of thermal energy, over 3.5 million cubic meters of compressed air and air separation products. In addition, thanks to the measures implemented in 9 months of 2020, the annual savings in drinking water will amount to 30 thousand cubic meters, and technical water - about 2.1 million cubic meters. The total economic effect of the implemented measures to reduce the consumption of energy resources will amount to almost 110 per year. million rubles. In addition to the economic effect, saving energy resources has a serious environmental component, as it allows more careful use of natural resources and reduce the man-made impact on the environment. Information and Public Relations Department of PJSC MMK
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