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Home / Press Releases / Electrical laboratory services in Perm

Electrical laboratory services in Perm

Press Releases
Electrical laboratory services in Perm

Connecting electric mains in buildings is a serious undertaking that requires a responsible approach. In this matter, electrical measurements are very important in order to ensure the safety of life. Electrolaboratory Perm offers its services to all clients. You can find out more about the services on the website.

Services of the electrical laboratory "Energogarant"

The main activity is electrical measurements in schools, kindergartens, industrial buildings, as well as residential buildings. Electrical laboratory specialists provide services within a clearly specified time frame. All measurements are carried out within one day, after which protocols are issued.

When is electrical laboratory service needed?

  • When the object is commissioned. If the building is ready for use, it is necessary to carry out an electrical test.
  • After the expiration of the technical report.
  • If necessary, submit a technical report to the inspector.
  • When you need to troubleshoot problems and malfunctions.

Thus, in case of problems in the operation of the electrical network, an urgent appeal to the specialists of the electrical laboratory is necessary. Measurements are carried out in company offices, retail outlets, manufacturing enterprises, educational and medical institutions. Services include testing of circuit breakers, residual current devices, insulation resistance measurement and others.

Advantages of contacting a Perm electrical laboratory

Among the significant advantages of ordering services, one can single out the possibility of fulfilling an order within 1-2 days without additional extra charges, delivering a report in person, eliminating minor defects when working on objects.

The laboratory has all the necessary documentation for conducting electrical tests. Experienced specialists guarantee the accuracy of all measurements, expert judgment. All the necessary equipment for operational measurements is available. At the beginning of cooperation with the client, a contract is concluded, in which the terms and cost are approved. The main goal of the electrical laboratory is to strictly monitor the condition of the electrical network.

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