Home / Press Releases / Severstal supported the exhibition of the Court costume from the Hermitage collection at the Historical Museum
Home / Press Releases / Severstal supported the exhibition of the Court costume from the Hermitage collection at the Historical Museum

Severstal supported the exhibition of the Court costume from the Hermitage collection at the Historical Museum

Press Releases

PJSC Severstal supported the opening of the exhibition "Court Costume of the Mid-19th - Early 20th Centuries from the Collection of the State Hermitage" at the State Historical Museum.

This is a joint project of the State Hermitage and the Historical Museum, in the framework of which the best costumes of Russian Imperial Court, opens a series of anniversary exhibitions dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Historical Museum, which will be widely celebrated in 2022.

The exposition is dedicated to the ceremonial and everyday life of the Russian Court, one of the most magnificent royal courts in Europe. It includes works of painting and graphics, archival documents, samples of weapons, products of precious metals. However, the main exhibits will be costumes and accessories that will emphasize the memorial character of the exhibition: the State Hermitage will present clothes and personal belongings of Russian emperors and empresses, members of the imperial family, representatives of aristocratic families, court ladies and cavaliers, servants of the Imperial Court of the time of the last Romanovs. , evening and ball gowns, military uniforms - all were performed in the most famous fashion studios in Paris, London, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw.

One of the sections of the exhibition is devoted to the life of the imperial family - Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna. Among the exhibits are 18 dresses of Maria Feodorovna, who was the trendsetter among the ladies of high society. Each outfit of the Empress delights with the elegance of the silhouette, the luxury of fabrics, the complexity of the decor, and the skill of execution. Alexander III, unlike his wife, did not like secular life and preferred to wear a military uniform. His civilian suits, performed in St. Petersburg, will be shown to the public for the first time. In a separate exhibition area, home and morning clothes, linen and personal belongings of the emperor and empress are presented. In addition to imperial costumes, spectators will be able to see the parade and ball gowns of other representatives of aristocratic surnames.

Along with the wardrobe items of dignitaries, in each hall will be presented the costumes of the servants of the imperial court: chamber-furriers, valets, walkers, court mobs. Many of the courtiers' clothes have been kept lined with the names of their previous owners, which makes them unique historical monuments.

The collection of court costumes brought from St. Petersburg from the mid-19th to early 20th centuries will revive the atmosphere of official ceremonies and church holidays, masquerades and balls in the halls of the Historical Museum .

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