Home / Press Releases / JSC Siberia-Polymetals was recognized as the best enterprise of the Altai Territory

JSC Siberia-Polymetals was recognized as the best enterprise of the Altai Territory

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JSC Siberia-Polymetals was recognized as the best enterprise of the Altai Territory

Rubtsovsk (Altai Territory)

The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the region has summed up the results of the annual regional competition "The best industrial enterprise of the Altai Territory." In accordance with the order of the Governor Viktor Tomenko, Siberia-Polymetals JSC (an enterprise of the UMMC raw materials complex) became a laureate of the competition among industrial enterprises in a subgroup with more than 250 employees.

The regional competition is held annually to promote the achievements of industrial enterprises, popularization of advanced production management methods, growth of the prestige and importance of the real sector of the region's economy. The company managed to win the victory thanks to the best performance indicators: sustainable economic growth, an increase in production volumes and its profitability, an increase in high-performance jobs, reconstruction and modernization of facilities, machinery and equipment.

Thus, in 2020 the company increased production by 14%, and processing - by 17%. The development of the largest deposits of polymetallic ores with a high content of zinc, copper, lead, as well as gold and silver is continuing at the Korbalikhinsky, Zarechensky and Stepnoy mines. Processing is carried out at the Zarechenskaya and Rubtsovskaya enrichment plants, where the next stage of reconstruction was completed in 2020, within the framework of which the flotation machines were replaced, the pumping park was updated, and the filtering equipment was replaced. Thanks to the technical re-equipment, it was possible to increase the productivity of the plant to 787 thousand tons per year and to increase the indicators for the extraction of produced concentrates. In addition, in 2020, in order to increase the productivity of the ROF, the construction of new buildings began. By 2023, a reagent department, a crushing and flotation building of the thickener will be built here. Thus, the enterprise will increase the productivity of the plant by 2.5 times and begin to process up to 1.5 million tons of ore per year.

Active construction is underway at the Korbalikhinsky mine. In August 2020, the second start-up complex was put into operation here, the construction of the skip-cage shaft is being completed, thanks to which the need to transport the ore to the surface with heavy self-propelled equipment will soon disappear. In parallel, the construction of facilities for the third start-up complex is underway: the modernization of the boiler house, the construction of buildings for the main ventilation unit and the mine head. Overall, in 2020, the volume of investments in the facilities of the Korbalikhinsky mine and Rubtsovskaya concentrating plant exceeded three billion rubles. The Korbalikhinsky mine plans to reach its design capacity with production of up to 1.5 million tons of ore per year in 2022.

As part of business development, a socially oriented policy was also implemented. The company took part in the implementation of social programs and projects, guaranteeing its employees stable work, decent wages and the opportunity to study.

According to the Regulations on the regional competition, Siberia-Polymetals JSC will be awarded the Governor's Diploma "The Best Industrial enterprise of the Altai Territory "based on the results of work in 2020.

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