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Home / Publications / Digest / Underground storage tanks for water at filling stations: construction, equipment

Underground storage tanks for water at filling stations: construction, equipment


Tanks are supplied with reliable equipment. In the technical compartment are the elements of management and control. It provides for the presence of the cover, ensuring easy access for maintenance.

Underground storage tanks for water at filling stations: construction, equipment

most of the stations are outside the terms of settlements. There is no centralized water supply. To meet the needs of the data objects in the water are special containers. The most widely used vessels for underground placement. They save the free space, have a long service life, easy operation. Their supply is UKIP.

overview of the storage tanks for water at gas stations

containers are Made from rolled steel. The thickness of the sheets is 4-5 mm. the Tanks are cylindrical in shape. Inner and outer surfaces undergo additional processing. The first one is enamel. It increases resistance of metal to the occurrence of corrosion. For external treatment apply the bitumen-polymer compositions. They perform several functions – provide a high level of waterproofing, protection against negative factors that cause fracture of steel.

On https://www.pnsk.ru/products/rezervuares/tank_simple/tank_water/ underground water tanks, the volume in three, five and ten cubic meters with a complete pumping unit. The latter is designed to provide a continuous supply of fluid through the internal pipeline.

Package, benefits, installation

- Capacity to store water, made of steel and having a double-sided protective treatment, have a significant list of benefits. Among these are:

  • long life;
    • high integrity;
      • ease of fill and water distribution;
        • relative ease of installation;
          • certifications.

          Tanks are supplied with reliable equipment. In the technical compartment are the elements of management and control. It provides for the presence of the cover, ensuring easy access for maintenance. Inside is mounted a pipe for delivery of water. It equipment includes check valve, flanges, pipe. Pumping unit is added according to customer's requirement.

          Underground vessels, it is customary to install on pre-prepared concrete Foundation. It should be placed below the level of soil freezing. This allows you to refuse the use of equipment for heating capacity. For regions with severe weather conditions produced tanks with heat-insulated compartment of the control.

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