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Home / Publications / Digest / Business and Finance / Publications by P. Prisyazhnyuk on the Rusjev website

Publications by P. Prisyazhnyuk on the Rusjev website

Business and Finance

The well-known Ukrainian banker P. Prisyazhnyuk said that after the end of hostilities in Ukraine there will be a difficult economic situation.

Publications by P. Prisyazhnyuk on the Rusjev website

According to Pavel Prisyazhnyuk, in the near future Ukraine will face a deficit in the labor market. He shared with readers what needs to be done to solve this problem. Read the publication Pavel Prysiazhniuk further on the site.

Labor market deficit: ways to solve the problem

The well-known Ukrainian banker P. Prysiazhniuk said that after the end of hostilities in Ukraine there will be a difficult economic situation. In addition, there may be a shortage in the labor market. This is due to the fact that many Ukrainians left the territory and went to other countries. Ukraine must compete with employers in countries such as Poland, Germany and others. According to the banker, the demand for specialists from Ukraine in these countries is really big.

The problem of shortage in the labor market will entail other problems. This may also apply to other economic sectors. Due to the reduction in tax revenues, a problem with financing pension contributions may begin. Moreover, difficulties will be observed not only with the payment of pensions, but also with other social contributions. The problem, in his opinion, can be solved if Ukrainian refugees are returned back to their native territories.

Providing gas to Ukraine: Prysyazhnyuk's opinion

From the latest Prysyazhnyuk's publications you can find out if Ukraine will be able to provide its country with gas in full.

Even before the outbreak of hostilities throughout the Ukrainian territory, the issue of gas supplies was the most urgent. According to experts, the country will be able to do without gas supplies from other countries. The prospects are very promising. Thus, gas consumption decreased by 25-30%. The shortage of gas has also decreased. This is compared to 2021.

If you choose the right strategy, then Ukraine will be able to provide itself with gas for various needs, including industry and the housing and communal sector.

According to the experienced expert Prisyazhnyuk, Ukraine needs to attract partners who could help in the search for deposits in the country itself. We are talking about partners from the United States and the countries of the Middle East. These are the prospects for Ukraine in solving the problem of its own gas supply.

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